Reviewing Policies

Most of the books I review for this site are ones I already own, get from the library, borrow from friends, or whatnot. The ones that I review for free (i.e. get for free from Net Galley or GoodReads) I clearly mark as such in the text of the review.

Any photos used in this blog pertaining to reviews will only ever be the cover images. Those I usually will find via GoodReads or Amazon and copy them to my review for a visual aid with the review. They are only ever used in connection with the review and that's it. Any other photos used are in my personal collection and credited, if taken by friends, where applicable.

I've decided to re-evaluate my policy on unsolicited read/review requests. I'll be accepting them now if a kind author wishes to extend the offer. Yet, just a heads up, I'm going to be very selective on what I choose from now on, and I can't guarantee when I'll be able to get a review up, so please don't set a timeframe on me. I'm going to be starting a second job soon (hopefully) so my time will be cut into for awhile. Thanks. (email on About Me page).